From junior clerk to CEO of Tharaka Nithi’s giant Sacco

Thamani Sacco has come a long way and has supported its members to upgrade their living standards, majority of them being farmers. Its CEO, Rose Kithinji said the Society, formerly Nithi Tea Growers Sacco Ltd was registered in November 1987 with the mandate to mobilize member’s savings and ensuring that they access credit. The Sacco’s…

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Govt set to launch Co-op sector policy

By Stephen Makabila The unveiling of the new co-operative policy is set for December following fast-tracking efforts by government through the State Department of Co-operatives, Ministry of Indus­try, Trade and Co-operatives. Already, the Policy in its draft form has been cleaned-up and fine-tuned through financial sup­port from the Agriculture Sec­tor Development Programme (ASDP). A senior…

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Saccos urged to embrace IT

emBy Tsozungu Kombe Saccos have been urged to em­brace Information Communica­tion Technology ( ICT ) in a bid to enhance efficiency and deliver ser­vices to members. Alfred Mlolwa, Quetu Sacco chair­man and KUSCCO Director for Coast and North Eastern said many Saccos had failed to deliver quality services to members due to lack of ICT…

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Nufaika Sacco gives back to the community

By Wesley Ken Nufaika Sacco Society Limited which was ranked Society with the highest dividend rate in Kirinyaga County is giving back to the community through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)  programmes. It paid dividends to members at the rate of 13 per cent, the highest in the County and is the reason it was…

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Nakonn Matatu Sacco income grows to Sh4.35 million

. By Joseph Mukubwa Nakonn Sacco Limit­ed gross income im­proved from Sh2.28 million to Sh4.35 million in the last financial year. The Sacco chairman, Geoffrey Kamau expressed optimism that the institution would record more growth this year. He said vans belonging to the society registered an impressive income during the year with gross income of…

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Ardhi Sacco innovates to improve members’ income

By Wesley Ken. Ardhi Sacco Society Ltd is rolling out various exciting initiatives to transform members’ economic and social welfare. The Sacco is not only scaling up services delivery, it is also diversifying loan products, offering low interest rates on products and opening up the common bond of the society in order to attract more…

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Saccos urged to develop strong check-off systems

By Richard Shichangi The County Co-operatives Officer, Samwel Khatenya, has asked Saccos in the region to develop strong check off systems when giving out loans to members. This is to reduce incidences of members defaulting on their repayments. Saccos, he pointed out, will also improve their cash flow through an elaborate loan recovery system. “Although…

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