Issue more loans to farmers to increase agricultural production, Govt urged

Bishop Meshach Mukwili of the Africa Brotherhood Church has urged both the national and county governments to provide more soft loans to farmers to enable them expand farms, create employment and boost food production. Speaking during a leaders’ forum in Wote Church, the bishop also reiterated that there is need for farmers to embrace technology so…

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Embu County targets to enroll all adults in cooperatives

Embu County has targeted to have all its adult population in cooperative societies. County Director of Cooperatives David Muriuki said sector stakeholders in the county are focused on recruiting 600,000 members, which the approximate number of people in the adult bracket. He said the cooperative movement in Embu controls up to Ksh14 billion in liquid…

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Linturi: Only registered farmers to benefit from subsidized fertilizers

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development Cabinet Secretary (CS) Mithika Linturi has urged farmers across the country to register with the Ministry in order to benefit from the government’s subsidy on fertilizers. Speaking at Luuma Primary School in Tigania East when he helped raise funds for the construction of a multi-purpose hall, the CS said…

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Lecturer’s innovation to spearhead affordable housing

Dr Joseph Mwiti’s innovation of manufacturing cement using clay will serve as a welcome relief to thousands of Kenyans who aspire to build home. Dr Mwiti, a lecturer who teaches Chemistry at Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST), believes that using clay to make cement will revolutionize construction and provide a solution to high…

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Offer financial assistance to coffee farmers, banks urged

Dr Philip Munyao, a doctor in Matungulu constituency, has asked banks and micro -finance  institutions  to come up with schemes to motivate coffee growers in the region.  Dr Munyao asked the financial institutions to train farmers on investment opportunities, saying that if there were regular forum organized by the finance institutions, the interactions would enlighten…

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Njang’ombe looks back after long career at Cooperative Ministry

 Geoffrey Njang’ombe, former Commissioner of Cooperatives, has a unique demeanour; polite, cool and collected. Yet behind the tranquility of mien is a tough uncompromising personality, but not in the usual sense of intense outlook commanded by senior corporate gentlemen and ladies. His amiability goes beyond common etiquette, transcending even the wiles of temptation in the…

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