Hazina Sacco launches Siaya satellite office

Pomp and color marked the launch of Hazina Sacco satellite office in Siaya town meant to cater for the fast-growing clientele in the area.

Sacco National Chairman Mr Evans Kibagendi said the management opted to make the Siaya office a fully-fledged facility after realizing the potential the area has.

He revealed that the branch members managed to recruit a record 1,500 members within a short time and that the Sacco will handsomely reward the recruit the recruiters.

Following members suggestion about an increase in the benevolent fund contributions, Vice Chairman Mr MacDonald Obudho said the Sacco can only implement the same  if members commit to faithfully contribute towards the same.

CEO Mr Dickson Okungu said the management is committed to lengthening all their loan products and increasing the deposit multiplier for the loans.

He noted that they intend to start serving local residents in subsidiary services such as Mpesa.

By Fredrick Odiero  

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