Members to have say on co-op leaders’ tenure

By Rosemil Oduor

Members of the co-operative societies will now have the responsibility of determining how long their leaders hold positions, acting Commissioner for Cooperatives Didacus Ityeng’ has said.

He said with the introduction of a new draft co-operative policy, co-operatives will have more self-regulation.

The new policy will only allow for government interference in the emergence of unique circumstances.

Cooperative Alliance of Kenya, Chief Executive Officer Daniel Marube said introduction of term limit for co-op leaders would have violated the principles on which they are formed.

“Cooperatives are institutions where the age of leader does not undermine their credibility and productivity,” said, KUSCCO Managing Director George Ototo.

Meanwhile, co-operatives have been urged to he adopt new technology and introduce new products in the market.

Co-operative Principal Secretary Ali Noor, said in a bid to meet more specific needs of members and improve liquidity, Saccos need to move times.

He was speaking during annual National Co-operatives Workshop organized by Co-op Consultancy and Insurance Agency.

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