Rongo boda boda riders urged to form Saccos

By John Ochieng.

Boda boda riders in Rongo Sub-County have been urged to form and register groups such as savings and credit co-operatives (Saccos) to give themselves opportunity to save and borrow.
A local politician Joseph Ngani told the operators to form groups that would facilitate financial savings to help build their individual financial base and embrace positive values required for the betterment of their lives.
He also challenged political leaders to empower youths and school going children instead of using a lot of energy and money on “non-issues which do not benefit the general society.”
Mr Ngani who was conducting a funds drive for Opapo Motorcycle youth association in Rongo Sub-County in Migori County, said leaders have the responsibility to engage youth as advocates and agents of change.
He noted that a number of youths come from very humble and vulnerable backgrounds and in dire need of both financial and material support to enable them stay in school and realize their future dreams.
“It doesn’t matter the sphere or field one is in. Youths can inspire attitude change that will massively improve not just the quality and standards of living but for the entire society if fully empowered,” said Ngani.
He said leaders of tomorrow must be nurtured today by empowering the youth through quality education so as to fit amicably in the competitive job market,
Ngani said politicians can use their financial muscles to salvage the declining morals in society through sensitization of the local communities on the fundamental benefits of acquisition of both academic and technical knowledge.
He urged the youth to explore and use their talents appropriately to realize their socio-economic development. He, however, cautioned the youth especially motor bike riders against engaging in hooliganism and being used by politicians for selfish gains especially now that the general election is approaching.
Association chairman Enock Asiyo said they are in the process of professionalizing boda boda operation to secure it from negative public opinion and exposure to misuse by politicians.

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