Kenya National Police DT Sacco officials pose for a group photo at the FiRe Awards event.

Kenya National Police DT Sacco wins the FiRe Awards Sacco category award

The Kenya National Police DT Sacco has been awarded as the winner in this year’s FiRe Awards – Sacco category. The award comes months after the Sacco was recognized as the top-performing Sacco nationwide in the Management and Capitalization category during the Ushirika Day celebrations held on July 1 at the KICC. In a statement…

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Stakeholders call for more investments in cane growing to meet high demand

Agriculture Food Authority (AFA) has called for more investments in cane growing and development in order to meet the ever increasing demand for the commodity. AFA Chairperson Carnelly Serem said there has been a systematic increase in the demand for cane and that the growth of many sugar milling companies under the cane and nucleus…

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4 cooperatives in Kilifi county set for revival

Four cooperative societies in Malindi and Magarini sub counties in Kilifi county are set for revival. Speaking to Sacco Review in her office in Malindi town recently, Malindi sub county Cooperative Officer Moraa Ziro revealed that Goshi Farmers’ Cooperative, Manyeso Dairy Cooperative, Magarini Sand Harvesting and Magarini Cotton Farmers Cooperative societies will be revived. She…

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Universal Traders Sacco announces internship opportunities

Universal Traders Sacco (UTS) has announced internship opportunities for individuals with a diploma in sales and marketing, cooperative management, or public relations. To be eligible, applicants must have achieved a mean grade of C or above in KCSE, be between the ages of 25 and 35 and have computer literacy skills. “If you are interested…

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Kilemi urges KETSA to ensure strict compliance with sector regulations

Teacher-based cooperative societies affiliated with Kenya Teachers Sacco Association (KETSA) have been urged to ensure strict compliance with the law and other regulatory frameworks governing the sector. Principal Secretary for Cooperatives Patrick Kilemi emphasized on the importance of adhering to the regulations set by the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority to ensure continued growth and success….

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Nakuru pastors form Sacco to improve livelihoods

Pastors in Nakuru have come together to establish Mitume Sacco to help them save money and access affordable credit facilities, ultimately improving their livelihoods. Pastor Alex Maina, the Sacco chairman and the chair of Nakuru Pastors Fellowship, encouraged pastors and clergy members to join the Sacco to enhance their economic status. “We understand the difficulties…

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