New Co-operatives policy mooted

By Eric Nyariera Formation of many small Saccos is killing the co-operative movement in the County, according to Industrialization, Energy, Enterprise and Development County Executive Committee (CEC) member, Johnson Awuor (pictured). Awuor who was speaking during Ushirika Day celebrations in Kisumu, lamented that though the county has more than 400 registered Saccos, many of them…

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Naku Sacco renamed Shoppers Sacco, targets more members

By Jackson Okoth Naku Savings and Credit Co-operative Society (Naku Sacco) Limited- which previously drew its membership from employees of several retail outlets, has shed off this exclusive structure and rebranded to Shoppers Sacco. The rebranded society is now offering financing to shoppers to acquire products from the major retail stores. This product loan will…

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Commissioner lauds Co-ops for fighting against poverty

By Tsozungu Kombe The Co-operatives model has been described as the best vehicle when it comes to fighting poverty in Kenya as it encourages members to embrace the culture of savings. Deputy Co-operatives Commissioner in charge of Finance and Banking Services at the State Department of Co-operative Development, Mary Mungai stressed that Co-operatives can make…

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Don’t blame Sacco woes on past regime – Official

By Alfred Mosoti A top Sacco official has said challenges facing the Sacco industry has little or nothing to do with the past Kanu regime. John Peter Getundu, Treasurer of Tower Sacco, is urging members to instead concentrate on how to be more efficient, productive and competitive. Getundu attributes challenges facing the co-operatives sector to…

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County Govt comes to the aid of women-run Saccos

By Ben Oroko Lack of access to finance due to factors such as collateral, complicated administrative procedures in loan applications and prohibitive interest rates is affecting and limiting investment and productive capacity of women in Kenya. It is against this background the Kisii County Government has swiftly moved in to facilitate women from the County…

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Governor lauds County Youth Bunge Sacco kisii Asha

By Enock Okong’o County Governor James Ongwae has lauded Kisii Youth Bunge Sacco for being the best managed among youths’ saccos in the country. Ongwae was speaking at Kisii Sports Club during presentation of Best Performance Certificate to the Sacco chairperson. The Governor was informed that the giant youth owned Sacco plays a key role…

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Small Saccos told to merge or perish

By Our Reporter Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) has advised smaller Deposit-Taking Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (Saccos), whose market is shrinking, to consider mergers or consolidation as possible survival options. This comes after the Authority this year, withdrew Front Office Service Activity (FOSA) licenses for eight Deposit-Taking Saccos after they failed to meet the…

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Saccos eye construction boom in Chuka town

Chuka Housing Co-operative Society has has joined in the epic transformation of Chuka town, a fast growing business hub in the County. The society, which broke out from Chuka Farmers’ Co-operative has turned around the face of the town after constructing state-of-the-art buildings. It enjoys rent from Co-operative Bank, Thamani and Southern Star Saccos among…

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