Kericho avocado farmers form cooperative society to fight cartels 

To ward off unscrupulous cartels that have permeated avocado industry and made themselves a bargaining chip, farmers from Kericho county have formed a cooperative society. Kericho Avocado Farmers Cooperative Society was presented to the registrar of companies last year by the farmers as an umbrella body to collectively market their produce and enhance productions for…

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Cooperative autonomy, identity vital for movement’s survival

One basic characteristic that distinguishes companies from cooperatives is that companies are associations of capital while cooperatives are associations of persons. Additionally, while companies strive to maximize profits for their shareholders, the same cannot be said of primary cooperatives that are voluntary self-help organizations that aim to solve members’ socio-economic and cultural needs. At the…

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SASRA urges Saccos to build alliances, enhance positive competition

Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) CEO Peter Njuguna has stressed on the need for Saccos to collaborate to achieve greatness. “We have realized that Saccos actually collaborate significantly with various service providers because Saccos alone cannot provide the services. Courtesy of the collaborations we have had so far, you will note that we have grown…

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Competition for payment of super dividends costs cooperative movement

Competition for payment of super dividends and interest on deposits among Saccos has topped the list of the major issues affecting the pace of growth of the cooperative movement in the country. The Kenya Society of Professional Co-operators (KSPC) has raised concern over the current trend of offering super dividends and interest on members’ deposits…

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Why Saccos must adopt technology to fill performance gaps

Savings and Credit Cooperatives (Saccos) must leverage on technology in order to remain relevant in highly competitive and dynamic financial world. Sector leadership must innovate and take advantage of the many resources that are available to assist and secure the stability and future of Saccos and build prospects, wealth and impact positively on members. The…

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Sacco leaders speak on how to win youth into co-op membership

The urge to splurge out cash on secondary needs is slowly driving the youth away from saving. Savings are considered critical funding sources, which enable governments, institutions and individuals undertake investment projects. Harrison Song’e, Airports Sacco CEO, regrets that the younger generation is mostly driven by spending more than savings. This, he adds, has majorly…

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SACCO Saccos

How liberalization reversed gains in the coffee sub-sector

The liberalization of the coffee sub-sector in the country continues posing a serious sustainability threat to the primary coffee co-operative societies across the country, following smallholder farmers hawking their coffee beans to middle-men and dealers instead of delivering the same to their primary co-operative societies. What started as a bubble in the cup of coffee turned out to be…

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